As the readers of this blog know I cancelled my JG subscription a few weeks ago when their Editorial Board really irritated me by refusing to even interview Libertarian candidates for City Council.
For some reason, I am still getting the paper. I have to assume that I paid in advance and they are still sending me the newspaper and will stop once the money I paid runs out. I have called them twice to cancel!
You ought to look at the front page of the JG today. Realize that this is two days after a City Election that brought a new Mayor and four new members of City Council.
The lead story is a sad one and is worthy of being a lead story. It discusses the fact that about 11% of adults in the US are veterans; however, nearly one quarter of the homeless are veterans.
The second story, including the main picture on the front page is typical of the JG and helps illustrate the fact that they are not a news organization; they are instead an organization with a specific political agenda.
The second story on the front page is entitled "Kelty legal battle lingers. GOP runner-up faces 9 charges, repayment of $158,000 in personal loans." The JG then proceeds to dredge up the same facts that they keep printing. All of their facts in the stroy are true and I guess they are news; however, how many times do they print the same story about Matt Kelty?
I am not a journalist; however, I could come up with a lot of headlines that I think would interest readers of the JG more then the same old story repeated yet again:
"Fort Wayne wages have plummeted over the last twenty years; they are currently about 80% of the National average."
"The value of the dollar has plummeted to record lows against most foreign currencies"
"Tom Henry unveils his plans"
"Karen Goldner leads Don Schmidt by 13 votes"
I could go on and on...
I am looking forward to a time when the JG no longer pollutes my newspaper box.
Mike Sylvester
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Brgd. General Anthony Wayne US Continental Army

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Posts and contributions expressed on this forum, while being libertarian in thought and intent, no official statement of LPAC should be derived or assumed unless specifically stated as such from the Chair, or another Officer of the Party acting in his or her place, and such statements are always subject to review.
As you know I am a Henry supporter BUT I agree with you 100%. I was very surprised when I saw this headline today and thought that it was most certainly piling on. I thought it was wrong that they did this sort of story two days after the election and I think most readers felt like it provided little new news.
Sam T.
Gosh, let us see. The Deomcrats have no reason to push for such a story. They won and are happy. They are moving on.
Now you ecah need to ask yourself a couple of questions
1- What person or group is still trying to right their ship?
2- What person or group is still trying to figure our why they got beat?
3- What person or group would gain by continue to kick Kelty?
When things do not add up then a person needs to ask the question of why? Nothing happens in a newspaper by accident.
I will let each of you to come up with your own answers. I have mine and I am not surprised in the least by this story showing up.
I will partially agree with you.
While I am not suprised by the story running in general, I am suprised that it was FRONT PAGE news.
Is anyone surprized? Look, they know that in order to completely vindicate their position, their support and endorsement of Henry, Kelty must not prevail in the legal battle. And they will continue to do their part to make it so (or so they think). Think about it, how will it look if after all the bluster and spooking of voters, Kelty is exonerated? The paper will indeed have been proved wrong fanning the flames of doubt and piling on (I do agree with Sam T. on his assessment, very fair minded). I think that hurts their credibility, certainly they are not reporting anymore, but propagandizing for a desired result, because they have to. The headlines should have been KELTY LOSES, not HENRY WINS.
Though the 60-40 split in voting is not unlike the Buskirk-Richard numbers of 2003 (without any indictments), it is a credible showing even with the indictments. Tom Henry was a reluctant candidate and now the accidental Mayor. A guy who was beat by Tom Didier in a distict he held for 20-years.
This was not a great victory by the Democratic Party of Allen County, Republicans for Henry, or Tom Henry himself. This election was most certainly about the indictments fanned by the papers and disaffected Republicans, casting enough doubt in the minds of voters that they went with a less risky choice, or didn't vote at all. Henry is certainly no Graham Richard, and Matt Kelty was certainly something more than a Linda Buskirk if I examine the numbers.
I'll be interested in the comments of Sam T and Cathy Hawks if Kelty is proved innocent. I expect they may say, "Indictments notwithstanding, Henry was the better candidate, and that is why I didn't support my Party's nominee."
Certainly a legitimate subjective position, but what would they say if asked, "Under what conditions would you have supported Matt Kelty?" I don't think there would have been any condition they would have supported him, it just seemed personal with them, as with others, and I never really understood what was at the core of it all.
you people havent caught on yet have you?
The JG exists for 1 reason- to support whatever Paul Helmke, and the Inskeeps support.
the rest of the time, it is a mostly useless cheesy tabloid, run by a media cckscker- richard( dick; and his tabloid whore daughter julie ( note- these terms are correct, dictionarily, and in terms or pop culture/tabloid trades.
They spoon feed us mostly useless information- world, and national, we can get from the web. local- we can get free from their web site
but the local news is edited, and parsed, and any news that may cause a scandal is avoided by the jg, unless it will sell papers.
meanwhile, the rest of the local news is tightly controlled, and worded to keep their advertisers appeased.
the good news is that with blogs, it is like having 100 investigative reporters running amok, each with their own axe to grind, or personal interest in local govt corruption. Mine is cherrymasters, and RICO by our elected politicians, and systemic corruption by all our local institutions- just ask me, or read my own blog:
dont just cancel your subscription, go downtown, and make them cut you a check for your unpaid balance/credit- as it will hit them in the wallet- it is already spent, so they can pay for their foreign made 35 million dollar millstone.
If you want to hurt them further, go to their newspaper carrier distribution points, and docujment how many foreigners, using child labor help deliver your tabloid. If you are really reeling froggy, start talking up how inskeeps and the office types live in luxury, paid by the sweat of the non-union carriers. In fact, the JG could raise their ad rates for display ads, and corporations, and pay their carriers more per paper. as it is, a paper out of a box or store costs you 50 cents, whereas, the carriers only make about 28 cents a paper, last i heard.
figure in $3+ gas, insurance( business rates), repairs, maintenance, etc, and quickly, you realize the gross iniquities.
The JG has no useful job ads to speak of, the local police reports can be found elsewhere, the local news- is all institutional, and the courts reporting, we can also find out for ourselves, and who cares, when we can also get that from other sites?
The Libbys FOD'ded the system, and the smokers/saloonkeepers finished it off. not to mention the self- destruction of the Kelty campaign, and the voters resounding rejection of the "Kool-aid agenda".
I just read on another blog- FTW left- jeff pruitt, that kelty may run vs. souder- thats like swapping warm grape kool-aid for cherry koolaid laced with jet fuel(a navy inside coment).
The Libbys ran a great slate of candidates, and next must do more to organize, and raise funds.
good work. better luck next time!
btw- "Pyss on Wyss"
you people havent caught on yet have you?
The JG exists for 1 reason- to support whatever Paul Helmke, and the Inskeeps support.
the rest of the time, it is a mostly useless cheesy tabloid, run by a media cckscker- richard( dick; and his tabloid whore daughter julie ( note- these terms are correct, dictionarily, and in terms or pop culture/tabloid trades.
They spoon feed us mostly useless information- world, and national, we can get from the web. local- we can get free from their web site
but the local news is edited, and parsed, and any news that may cause a scandal is avoided by the jg, unless it will sell papers.
meanwhile, the rest of the local news is tightly controlled, and worded to keep their advertisers appeased.
the good news is that with blogs, it is like having 100 investigative reporters running amok, each with their own axe to grind, or personal interest in local govt corruption. Mine is cherrymasters, and RICO by our elected politicians, and systemic corruption by all our local institutions- just ask me, or read my own blog:
dont just cancel your subscription, go downtown, and make them cut you a check for your unpaid balance/credit- as it will hit them in the wallet- it is already spent, so they can pay for their foreign made 35 million dollar millstone.
If you want to hurt them further, go to their newspaper carrier distribution points, and docujment how many foreigners, using child labor help deliver your tabloid. If you are really reeling froggy, start talking up how inskeeps and the office types live in luxury, paid by the sweat of the non-union carriers. In fact, the JG could raise their ad rates for display ads, and corporations, and pay their carriers more per paper. as it is, a paper out of a box or store costs you 50 cents, whereas, the carriers only make about 28 cents a paper, last i heard.
figure in $3+ gas, insurance( business rates), repairs, maintenance, etc, and quickly, you realize the gross iniquities.
The JG has no useful job ads to speak of, the local police reports can be found elsewhere, the local news- is all institutional, and the courts reporting, we can also find out for ourselves, and who cares, when we can also get that from other sites?
The Libbys FOD'ded the system, and the smokers/saloonkeepers finished it off. not to mention the self- destruction of the Kelty campaign, and the voters resounding rejection of the "Kool-aid agenda".
I just read on another blog- FTW left- jeff pruitt, that kelty may run vs. souder- thats like swapping warm grape kool-aid for cherry koolaid laced with jet fuel(a navy inside coment).
The Libbys ran a great slate of candidates, and next must do more to organize, and raise funds.
good work. better luck next time!
btw- "Pyss on Wyss"
It wasn't any more coherent the second time.
Anonymous 2:42 PM
I laughed out loud (hard) when I read your comment.
I think you all forget not everyone lives & breathes this stuff. A lot of people don't invest as much energy in local politics, as evidenced by the low voter turnout (and the people who voted for Kelty). I've had more than one perosn ask me if Kelty will still have to deal with his indictments now that he lost the election. They don't realize it's not all rolled up into one tidy package. I think it's fair for the newspaper to say, hey, he still has this to deal with now.
Anonymous 5:18 your right everyone who voted for Kelty just arent as smart as you. Or as Robert Rouse said we must not have a brain.
As Mike Sylvester always says "sheesh"
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