Allow me to introduce myself; I am Michael Brightbill candidate for city council at large.
I'm 22 years old and work in food service. I enjoy going to the movies and spending time with my friends, likely playing games.
Many of you don't know me, and haven't heard from me in the past. This is primarily due to my own fault. I am a new to politics and running as a candidate so things that other politico take for granted, I have to learn on the fly.
I've given four interviews so far. One to The News Sentinel, one to the Journal Gazette by phone, one to Doug Horner on his public access show, and one by e-mail with a reporter from Frost Illustrated.
"Why are you running?" they all ask.
Because I'm tired. I'm tired of a city council that is diametrically opposed to the concepts of individual sovereignty. The smoking ban is just a bloated display of the council's hubris. The Harrison Square project a boondoggle of unforeseen proportions.
If the Harrison Square project is such a good idea, fine. Let the businesses take the gamble with their own money, not ours.
Unfortunately these things have been voted on and passed before we could come to office to head them off.
"Why should we vote for you?"
That's a good question. Who am I? 22 year old single guy running for office for the first time.
My keyword in this circumstance is "humility."
I'd like to bring some humility to the city council. I will freely admit that I don't know everything. I don't have all the answers to all the questions, yet. I'd like to rein in the city council's propensity toward outrageous plans and laws, and instead get them more focused on what their job is and should only be: infrastructure, safety.
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Brgd. General Anthony Wayne US Continental Army

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Per the by-laws of the Libertarian Party of Allen County, the Chair is the official spokesperson of LPAC in all public and media matters.
Posts and contributions expressed on this forum, while being libertarian in thought and intent, no official statement of LPAC should be derived or assumed unless specifically stated as such from the Chair, or another Officer of the Party acting in his or her place, and such statements are always subject to review.
Posts and contributions expressed on this forum, while being libertarian in thought and intent, no official statement of LPAC should be derived or assumed unless specifically stated as such from the Chair, or another Officer of the Party acting in his or her place, and such statements are always subject to review.
If only we had nine people like this on City Council.
Yes. It would be a great place if we had 9 people focused only on streets and sidewalks and sewers. What a wonderful forward looking place we would have to call home. We could rename our city Bedrock.
It's not the government's job to entertain you, Anon 3pm. Although you seem have a lot of fun reading this blog, otherwise you wouldn't do it. So you're welcome.
Good point Bob. I thought the City Council was supposed to focus on streets and sidewalks and sewers. What the hell is Anon 3:00 p.m. suggesting the City Council should be focusing on instead? Oh, I forgot, nanny government and red light cameras. What a $*#&@ nonsensical post.
Anon 3.23, Is that you Mr. Rubble?
Anon 3:48
You seem to be implying that our ideas are outdated. Some points to consider:
1. Ideas do not age like people do. The Bill of Rights is as still relevant today as it was when it was written.
2. Our party was founded during the 20th Century. When was yours founded?
Mr. Enders:
The bill of rights is so terribly outdated, someone should re-write it. It hardly even applies to todays lousy world.
Anonymous 4:08,
Are you kidding me???
Besides maybe the Third Amendment all of the ideas in the Bill of Rights will never be outdated. Perhaps you should read over them again and ask yourself whether or not you like your most basic rights as an individual. If in fact you don't, feel free to move to another nation where individual rights don't exist. Or just vote for Clinton in 2008.
Anom 4:08
You are like so many today. You don't understand history and hence you can not understand the future. You learn by your mistakes so you do not make them again.
You also think that as long as things go your way if fine. To heck with everyone else.
What? Either you are pulling everyone's leg or one sad state of a person. Maybe you would like to move to Indianapolis? We could help you.
I for one wish Mr. Brightbill luck, and may even vote for him.
Michael, I have attended two candidate's forums this year, and you were not at either of them. This sent a very bad message to me, as a voter.
On the other hand, I saw your segment on Doug's show and thought you came across fairly well. Also, I believe that you were in attendance at the Harrison square presentation at the church on Reed Rd. much earlier this year. When you stood to give your comments, you introduced yourself as a candidate for council.
Now that you're posting your comments here, at least people can get a better feel for who you are and what you stand for. Personally, I'm more likely to forgive errors of an amateur campaign than I am to forgive offensive ideas. I'ts late in the game, but you've definitely increased your credibility with this posting and your campaign site.
Good luck with your campaign!
Fred Thompson is often quoted as saying that he has a two step approach to legislating. (1) Should government be doing this? and (2) Should this branch of government being doing this? No matter what you think of Thompson, it's a good theory. Of course, if City Council followed it, we wouldn't have had nearly the legislation we've had. I'm thinking of buying nine "WWRRD" (What Would Ronald Reagan Do) bracelets and sending them over to the City County Building.
Welcome to the barn yard feel free to pitch some hay.
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