Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Disappointing things about the Fort Wayne "blogosphere."

I have operated a blog for quite awhile. I enjoy operating my blog.

I enjoy having "discussions" with other people who often do not share my views. I occasionally change my views and I find the opinions of other people to often be quite interesting. My views on "Free Trade" and "Fair Trade" have changed in the last couple of years. I am now much more in favor of "Fair Trade" then I used to be. My views on abortion have also changed; most likely due to having two children. I am far more "Pro-Life" then I used to be... In one case I moved to the "left" and in the other case I moved to the "right."

I have a lot of people who read my blog and I have a great group of people who leave comments.

I have even made a couple of friends in Fort Wayne by blogging.

I think there have been quite a few changes in the local "blogosphere."

When the local "Blogosphere" was in its infant stages I felt that most bloggers were cordial and relatively polite.

I have noticed that many local blogs seem to be getting more and more hostile to each other. There are a growing number of personal attacks and insults being "posted" all over the place.

I plan on ensuring that I keep my blog as clean as possible. I ask that everyone who visits this blog attempts to be respectful of others.

I think that America (And Fort Wayne) need to have a lot of discourse about various topics. Attacking each other and making petty comments solves nothing.

Mike Sylvester


Tim Zank said...

You are right Mike, it's getting a little snarkier out there. On your blog I try to respect the tone you have set and post accordingly. On some blogs my comments are more vociferous than on yours.

Just like going in to someone's home, I follow the lead of the host.
I am a little surprised a couple of left leaning local blogs have actually called for more civility and more common ground regarding the issues while in the same breath excluding certain topics.
I'm perplexed as to why they would want to bother having a blog where the only opinions welcome are those that agree with the host. Seem's rather boring to have 8 or 10 "atta boys" as a the only discussion on your blog. Perhaps I should say it seems "intolerant".
Just my take on it....

Bob G. said...

I'm from the "school" that says don't pick on someone unless they're ASKING to be picked on...and you know what I mean when I say that.

I just like to point out things that, like Mike says need debate, whether you're a REP, DEM, or LIB...doesn't matter. There's good and bad in all.

I just "try" to steer clear of political guys do a much better job (snarky or not).

Me? I'm just a guy on the street, telling it from what I see and hear.

I figure if someone wants to "attack" the issues "I" deal with...fine....but, attack me personally? You better know me a lot better first, I would say.

If I sound like a probably aren't listening well enough...LOL!



Anonymous said...

@Mike: I missed this post when you originally posted it. So glad you went on record as one who will avoid such adolescent behavior. At least on your blog. Sadly, though, I've seen noticed you leave comments on some of the guilty blogs. Doesn't that in some sense legitimize them?

@Tim: I think I know what your intent is, but it still makes me think of what my mother used to tell me, "If somebody's going to drive off a cliff, would you follow them over it?" Or better yet, Paul to the Romans, "Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all." Regardless of what others do on the web, shouldn't we always strive to do (type) what is right? Just asking...

Anonymous said...

@Mike: I missed this post when you originally posted it. So glad you went on record as one who will avoid such adolescent behavior. At least on your blog. Sadly, though, I've seen noticed you leave comments on some of the guilty blogs. Doesn't that in some sense legitimize them?

@Tim: I think I know what your intent is, but it still makes me think of what my mother used to tell me, "If somebody's going to drive off a cliff, would you follow them over it?" Or better yet, Paul to the Romans, "Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all." Regardless of what others do on the web, shouldn't we always strive to do (type) what is right? Just asking...

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