Saturday, January 27, 2007

Moving day

I want to thank my many friends who helped me move my mother today!

We moved my mother into her new place.

We started moving at 9 AM and we were done around 3 PM...

Karena and I stayed until 10 PM to arrange and assemble the furniture and organize the garage...


I am going to bed.

I have proved once again that I am an overweight, out-of-shape, middle-aged, guy...

Mike Sylvester


Robert Enders said...

Shoot, you could have asked me for help. I spent Saturday watching my "Deep Space Nine" Season 7 DVD's.

Anonymous said...

"I have proved once again that I am an overweight, out-of-shape, middle-aged, guy..."

may be true Mike, but ya got a big heart, and that's far more important.

Anonymous said...

Mike you pick the right day to move your mother.

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