Sean Hannity and his ilk can really get on my nerves. Representative Foley is pond scum. It is simple and it is not complicated. He should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and treated like a sex offender if he is found guilty. Based on his resignation and based on his public apologies already; I think we all know what the outcome of this trial will be.
The Republican leadership of the House also needs to be investigated. If they knew of this behavior and did not investigate it then they should be forced to resign by their own Party.
How on earth can The Republican Party stand for this behavior?
Does anyone remember back to when The Republican Party tried to portray itself as the moral Party? The Party of Christians? The Party of character? It seems like so long ago...
Another thing about this that disturbs me is the constant comparisons to Bill Clinton and his scandal...
SHUT UP Republican talking heads!
Bill Clinton is no longer The President of The United States. I DO NOT CARE what he did many years ago. The despicable behavior that Bill Clinton engaged in in the 90's has NO BEARING on the Foley scandal. None. Zero. Nada.
I was very angry at Bill Clinton and I thought he was pond scum over his scandal as well. THAT IS OVER. I have moved on.
Today we need to focus on Representative Foley and on the rampant corruption in Washington DC. We need to send some new politicians to Washington DC and get rid of career politicians...
Rep. Foley is a despicable human being. The Republicans should be VERY angry at their House leadership. Very angry...
I know I am...
Mike Sylvester
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Brgd. General Anthony Wayne US Continental Army

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Posts and contributions expressed on this forum, while being libertarian in thought and intent, no official statement of LPAC should be derived or assumed unless specifically stated as such from the Chair, or another Officer of the Party acting in his or her place, and such statements are always subject to review.
Foley was an elected DEMOCRAT County Commissioner when he jumped parties to run as a Republican for Congress.
Bing has jumped on the kool-aid wagon. Great post, Mike! My respect for you has just increased!
Sexual discourse with someone in their late teens hardly qualifies as pedophilia. What he did was creepy, but not really sick.
It was illegal under laws Foley helped to write. Because the internet was involved, that makes it a federal case. If it was a verbal communication in a state in which the age of consent was 16, it would have been perfectly legal. That being said, it is inappropriate for an employer to pursue relations with a subordinate, regardless of age. That includes both interns and pages.
I'm going to wager that Foley will be out of prison by 2010.
In response to Bing & John.....
It shouldn't matter if he's a dem/repub/independent/or president of the u.s......coercing a subordinate for sexual favors or gratification is abhorrent.
I agree Tim and coercing a child subordinate is the lowest of the low. He's a disgusting individual and the House leadership is equally as bad for looking the other way. Anything to save a seat - even if it endagers a child...
"The following quotes from published libertarian platforms
will make it explicitly clear that the legalization of child
molestation is part and parcel of the Libertarian Party code."
I have spoken to a lot of Libertarians and I have just re-read the current platform...
The Libertarian Party in my humble opinion beleives in allowing sex between consenting adults...
You should read the CURRENT platform and talk to current Libertarians...
I think you must have attended the Karl Rove school for expressing your opinions...
Mike Sylvester
I agree that if you try hard enough, you can read that into the old platform. That is why the platform has been changed. Sometimes when you write something, people can read it to mean whatever they want. People have interpreted even the Constitution to mean whatever they want. That is why that document is subject to amendment.
We believe that all adults have the right to live their lives as they see fit. Since children have not fully mentally developed, they require special protection. They should not be allowed to smoke, have sex, serve in any dangerous occupation, or vote.
Great post Mike. The way I see it, there isn't really a debate here. It is what it is. Any spin is just an attempt to sway one party to the other, and it ain't gonna happen with the Foley scandal.
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