Angry White Boy has an interesting post about the front page article in today's NS. Please check it out:
I think his post sums it up...
Heck, the last couple of public forums I attended the City of Fort Wayne was still handing out fliers advertising the new Downtown hotel would have 300 rooms...
I think that it should be becoming more and more obvious that The City of Fort Wayne has a lot of work to do to get a proposal together.
Two weeks ago Fort Wayne was still clinging to their goal of having the project approved by April 1st. Luckily for all of us that has changed. I expect this to reach City Council in April at this point...
I am really starting to look forward to seeing the final proposal when it is presented to the public...
Mike Sylvester
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Brgd. General Anthony Wayne US Continental Army

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Per the by-laws of the Libertarian Party of Allen County, the Chair is the official spokesperson of LPAC in all public and media matters.
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Posts and contributions expressed on this forum, while being libertarian in thought and intent, no official statement of LPAC should be derived or assumed unless specifically stated as such from the Chair, or another Officer of the Party acting in his or her place, and such statements are always subject to review.
I'm not quite clear on why the Marriot would be entitled to keep the full revenue on the parking garage.
Is there an understanding that the tax revenue from the Marriot to the city would offset the operational cost of the parking garage?
I'm frightened to think that most members of city council have made up their mind on this. What happens when they vote to do this thing next month and then a couple of weeks later we get another surprise like this.
It takes more than faith an optimism for this thing to work.
Even you (as one of the projects staunchest opponents) should recognize and acknowledge the ridiculously misleading statement in this post. Why dont you Google Marriott Renaissance, pull up their website, and let me know if they resemble, in any way, a cheap or bargain hotel as Angry White Boy describes it.
Sam T.
No one has told the public what the parking arrangement will be.
The negoitions are on-going. Maybe Sam Talarico knows? I do not!
AWB has a decidedly different "style" then I do...
You can read the NS story for yourself from his post and draw your own conclusions...
If you dislike his post you might want to go over on his blog and let HIM know... You both are Republicans and I am sure that he would be happy to respond to your comments himself. Heck, next time you run across each other at a "Republican Event" maybe the two of you should discuss Harrison Square, the smoking ban, Eminent Domain abuse, and several other topics that come to mind.
It has been my experience that AWB is more then capable of defending himself...
I find his post quite funny and I decided to post a link to his post rather then create my own. If I would have created my own post I imagine I would have created a different post...
AWB uses a lot of pictures to illustrate his point and often uses sarcasm to make his points!
Mike Sylvester
.... with all the news today.... closed door deals for land.... 63,000 additional funds having to be spent for appraisals, 6m difference in deal..for hotel
How could a City Council Rep with a conscience vote for this in good faith of the people they represent.
Marriot website.. thats not the point
there are just too many discrepancies surrounding the financials of this deal!!!!!
Case in point... newspapers articles today by Kevin Leininger
Not only do I have a conscience, I actually sign my name under my post. As for voting, my vote will be cast based on the final proposal that comes before council in April, period.
Sam T.
Why don't the people ever get to vote on anything?
Why don't the people ever get to vote on anything?
You do. You get to vote on your representatives to the City Council.
(Note the timeliness of the announcement of two libertarians running for City Council.)
If I still lived in Fort Wayne you'd better believe that I'd be pushing for a referendum law that required any development project reiquiring more than $10million of city money to be approved via referendum instead of closed council vote.
But that's just how we libertarians roll.
As for voting, my vote will be cast based on the final proposal that comes before council in April, period.
And the will of the constituents be damned!!!!
"And the will of the constituents be damned!!!! "
Reminds me of a quote I read recently from Jon Stewart- "You have to remember one thing about the will of the people: it wasn't that long ago that we were swept away by the macarena".
Either way that I end up voting, it will be contrary to the will of some segment of constituents.
I have actually received many more calls and emails for Harrison Square than I have received against. However, I do understand that citizens tend to gravitate toward those who share their opinion. In other words, I am sure Tom Smith is getting a lot more opponents calling him.
Kat, its great to see that you continue to harbor such bitter feelings about Fort Wayne and its leaders even from your new home hundreds of miles away. It sounds like you are already complaining about things in Nashville, so it sounds like you are feeling comfortable down south.
Sam T.
Why don't you give up the pretense of having an open mind about this thing. There are few of us that feel anything would sway you away from voting for this thing no matter how bad.
Your actions and words these past few months have shown that you have no objectivity.
Stewart's point is right on the money and shows how poorly this project has been rolled out. I mean if the populace is a bunch of easily-led automatons then surely the public would be squarely behind this project right?
Why does disagreeing with YOU translate in your mind to my having bitterness about Ft. Wayne and it's leaders?
Nice ad hominem attacks, though.
Kat -
Well if there was a referendum, then the vote would probably look a lot like the forums going on, those are the people that actually care about the project. Those would be the ones that would actually care enough to go out and vote.
Referendum for everything over 10M? How slow do you like your government to work? Long live our representative democracy.
As for the missing 6 million, we should hold our state government responsible for that. We should be able to trust that our government should own up to its word when it promises a certain amount of CRED money.
Sam T.
I usually find it commendable when an elected official takes an unpopular stance on an issue because of his or her principles. But isn't the success or failure of this kind project highly dependent on public support? If there are so many people opposed to this, can you really expect those same people to shop at Harrison Square after it's completed?
The Memorial Coliseum is a success because it is popular. The new stadium for the Colts will probably be considered to be a success since there is a lot of support for the Colts right now.
It takes a lot of guts to take a stand then come out onto a blog that takes an opposing stand to make your case. But if you ever find that there will not be enough support for this project to work, then it will take even more courage to admit that and vote against this plan.
The referendum would die a horrible death. The project would be voted down at lease 2 to 1 in my opinion.
Many people have said that older people tend to be against the project. I have news for you, older people vote...
Have you ever worked the polls Paul?
I think that a majority of citizens of Fort Wayne are against moving the baseball stadium...
Many are also against building a new parking garage...
The six million is NOT due to CRED. The six million is due to the hotel thinking they were going to get more parking revenue then Fort Wayne wants to give them from what I have heard...
Mike Sylvester
If you look at the definition of the original CRED money that people should be getting for development downtown:
"This designation allows for a 25% investment tax credit for qualified investment that occurs downtown."
Instead developers are getting a lump sum, after an agreement with the state that occured due to the Newspaper getting screwed. I believe that the hotel would have made up more of than the 6M then whats missing in their funding.
I agree, I am against a parking garage of this size, if you think there is a parking problem, you are mistaken. I've lived downtown for the last three years, I have never had a problem finding a parking place more than a block away from where I need to be. People need to get our of their mentality of big box shopping. Just because something is not in direct sight, does not mean that it isnt close by.
You are correct that the Mitch Daniels Administration has limited how much CRED money is available for certain projects; however, that is a conversation for another day...
I do not think you are correct that ANY of the six million hotel shortfall is due to CRED. I think the entire six million is due to the fact the the hotel thought that they were going to get more parking revenue from the publicly funded parking garage. I think that Hardball Capital, The Hotel, and the City all want Parking Garage Revenue...
While I think that parking culd be improved downtown, there is not a shortage in my opinion.
I find it interesting that one of the Cities goals is to get people to walk to and from the game. A parking garage defeats the purpose.
Mike Sylvester
A parking problem in Fort Wayne?? Are you people serious? Have you ever been to Chicago, New York or Philly?
Get out of you cars and WALK!
Mayor Harry Baals
"and decreased subsidy – from $12 million to $6 million"
Equals exactly 6 Million Dollars missing.
Plus, the 6 million that they are getting is only 13% (if I round up), not 25%.
Sorry the link was cut off
Nice, Paul.
Finally, someone who does their homework.
I'm just so sick of all the negativity within the Libertarian Party.
It seems like they want everything in this city to fail. Super Wal-Marts and strip malls seem to be the only economic development they favor.
Mayor Harry Baals
No the six million dollars does not come from the CRED.
The RFP sent out on Dec 21st 2006 tells the motel excatly how much CRED money is avilable.
The City knew when it sent out the RFP that the CRED would be six million not twelve. That is spelled out in the RFP...
Please read the article again...
The article is stating that one of the reasons that there was only one respondent to the RFP is because the CRED was six million not twleve.
The respondent KNEW that they were getting six million in CRED.
Mike Sylvester
Mike -
Do you agree or not that the 6 million dollar problem would not exist if the CRED money would have been up to what was promised?
It would have still been a problem due to miscommunications during negotiations.
No I do not agree.
As the newspaper article stated, if the CRED would have been 12 million rather then six million more hotel developers MIGHT have responded to the RFP.
Mike Sylvester
Mike -
I'm not arguing if there were more hotels.
So you're saying if we had 6 more million dollars from CRED we would still have a 6 million dollar problem?
No, what I am saying is the six million dollar problem comes from a misunderstanding between the hotel developer and the City...
Mike Sylvester
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