1. If employers should be required to pay for insurance that provides contraception to women, should they also pay for dental insurance that provides free toothpaste? After all, your employer shouldn't tell you that you can't have birth control. Therefore, my employer should not tell me I cannot brush my teeth.
2. This November, Democratic voters must ask themselves this: How many Iranian civilians am I prepared to sacrifice for free healthcare?
3. Should auto insurance be required to pay for new tires and brake pads? Whenever a car with bald tires causes an accident, we shouldn't blame the driver for not maintaining his car. We should blame Congress for not passing the appropriate legislation.
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Brgd. General Anthony Wayne US Continental Army

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Per the by-laws of the Libertarian Party of Allen County, the Chair is the official spokesperson of LPAC in all public and media matters.
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Posts and contributions expressed on this forum, while being libertarian in thought and intent, no official statement of LPAC should be derived or assumed unless specifically stated as such from the Chair, or another Officer of the Party acting in his or her place, and such statements are always subject to review.
These are by far, the most fallaciously logicked analogies I've ever seen in my life.
1. Religious employers, particularly ones receiving government grants, should be required to make available the same health insurance that secular employers do: i.e. ones that provide women with medical necessities. Birth control is not only about contraception, it's also used by many women to regulate periods, and for some it's a medical necessity. Also, birth control pills, to my knowledge, are not available over the counter like toothpaste or condoms. You're comparing apples to ducks.
2. This November, voters must also ask themselves this: how many American civilians have to die because they don't have access to affordable health insurance? If it weren't for places like Matthew 25, I wouldn't be getting my tonsillectomy. Would you rather someone like myself, who is a full-time student, a tutor, a chair for a local not-for-profit, and someone who actually gives a damn about what goes on in the world, die from infections and upper respiratory complications than have the ability to receive routine health treatments? Because again, if it weren't for the mercy of a place like Matthew 25 (socialism at its finest btw, as all charity services are...something you don't understand since you obviously have no concept of what socialism actually is)that's exactly what I could be looking forward to.
3. I'm not even sure what you're getting at here. I presume you're nitpicking about insurance companies having to cover "preventative care." I love how it's always a lame comparison to auto insurance, because you know, they're so similar right? Car insurance is mostly about covering someone you are injuring or property you are destroying. Health insurance is about your own well being. If you don't have car insurance, the money comes out of your pocket, and if that person dies, you pay for their funeral. That's how lawsuits work. If you don't have health insurance, you go to ER, you get treated, and then when you don't pay your bills, people paying for health insurance eat the bill by having their rates go up. And if you aren't lucky enough to make it, who pays for your funeral? Well if you didn't have health insurance, it is a safe bet you didn't have life insurance, so that would be the taxpayers, eh? Horrible, horrible analogy; but I bet if auto insurance helped pay for preventative maintenance on vehicles, accident rates would drop significantly, and they'd save so much money in the long term they could lower rates. Might not be a horrible idea!
4. Yes, I know you only had three, but I have a 4th. I'm unsubscribing from this blog, and I will never within Allen County refer to myself as "libertarian" again for fear that I might be associated with your asinine ideas.
1. You and I both know about the most effective form of contraception: fellatio. It doesn't require a prescription. Even Santorum concedes that abstinence failed as a contraceptive 2012 years ago. Why should you and I have to support these missionary position types?
All kidding aside, it's clear that there are therapeutic and recreational uses for birth control pills. Making employers provide for basic needs is one thing, making them pay for your good time is another.
2. I'm very glad that Matthew 25 exists. Let me rephrase my question: Would you vote for Obama, knowing that he'll attack Iran, if that was the only way to have universal healthcare in the next 4 years?
3. The purpose of insurance is to pay for unexpected events. To require them to pay for events that happen every year, like flu shots or new brake pads, typically raises rates. Considering that hospitals tend to soak insurance companies for more than self pay patients, the effect will be higher rates that cancel out what you wanted patients to save on preventative care.
4. I wasn't aware that you ever self-identified as a libertarian. I guess it was nice having you around while it lasted.
I hope you have a nice day! Very good article, well written and very thought out. I am looking forward to reading more of your posts in the future.public liability insurance cost
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