Tuesday, July 25, 2017

When a politician gets cancer

I can think of three possible responses. Pick the one that suits you the best and move on.
1. Express sympathy: This is a nice thing to do, especially when a member of a different party has serious health issues. When most people see you doing this, they see the human side of you. This makes them more likely to support you and less likely to oppose you in the future. This is what smart, successful leaders of all ideologies do.
2. Don't say anything: This can be acceptable as well. People get sick all the time and no one has time to comment on each piece of sad news.
3. Express glee at the politician's hardship, or imply that he somehow deserves it. When activists do this, I don't think that it helps their cause. Politicians will do things that should be criticized. They will do things that should be praised. And then they will die, and someone will miss them. You can feel gleeful about cancer and death if you want to. It just strikes me as a bad idea to express that feeling out loud.

Friday, July 14, 2017

From the Libertarian Party of Indiana
(If you did not receive this in your email, you might want to join up at www.LPIN.org.
While you are marking your calendar, 
the next LP of Allen County potluck is July 26, 7pm at Jeannette Jaquish's house at 1423 Louisedale Dr. 46808, 260-484-5946.  2 small dogs in house, kids welcome.)

Five fine Hoosier Libertarian event invitations are offered to you!
     Tonight, Thursday, July 13th, 7:00 to 10:00pm -- LP Morgan County has their monthly “Liberty Live!” meeting just a bit southwest of Indy.  Libertarian-minded folks are invited to join in, at 6 West Main Street in Mooresville, amid the "lively" backdrop of Rock’n’Roll-by-request at Ralph & Ava’s CafĂ©.

     This Sunday, July 16th, 3:00 to 5:00pm -- Rally for Ricker’s goes a bit north now, to Sheridan!  Invite non-Libertarian friends too, for this second convivial #LPDrinkIn.  Ricker’s at 900 South White Ave (SR47 & SR38) in Sheridan is an easy drive from Indy.  As in Columbus, our event will help to promote long-needed reforms for Indiana’s alcoholic beverage laws.

      Next Sunday, July 23rd, 3:00 to 7:00pm -- LPIN & LP Marion County look for a fun turnout at the Central Indiana Libertarian Cookout!  The Indy address is 814 East 15th Street.  Please help the plans by registering for this (FREE) event via https://www.eventbrite.com/e/central-indiana-libertarian-cookout-72317-at-3-pm-tickets-35859805644.  Bring comestibles to add to the mix, &or to ensure non-allergenic options.  If you'd like to arrive early to assist host Drew Thompson with set-up, sign-up at http://signup.com/go/OjXEXxf.  

     8 days, July 22nd thru 29th, 10:00am to 6:00pm daily -- LP Tippecanoe County invites you to meet and greet at their county fair Outreach Booth.  Enjoy the Fair visit too!  These 4-H Fairgrounds are on US52-SR25 between South 9th and South 18th Streets in Lafayette (1046 Teal Road).

     Saturday, August 5th, 2:00 to 7:00 pm -- LP Lake County invites you to their Northern Indiana Libertarian Cookout, quite a bit “north-by-northwest” from Indy!  Take the pleasant drive to 16007 Delmar Court in Lowell; bring a side dish or dessert (especially for non-allergenic folks); and do BYOB.  From US41 in Lowell area, go west via 165th or 157th to White Oak Avenue.  Then take White Oak -- north from 165th or south from 157th -- to 160th.  Go east on 160th to Delmar Court for a lovely Libertarian get-together.

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Happy Independence Day!

On Memorial Day, we remember those who fought and died. On Veterans Day, we honor those who fought and survived. But Independence Day is a day that belongs to all Americans.

Some of our ancestors came here from Europe fleeing religious persecution. Some of them were sent here as punishment because England didn′t want them anymore. Some of them were kidnapped in Africa and brought here against their will. Some of them walked all the way here from Siberia. America has always been a place people went when they couldn′t go anywhere else.

Some of them fought for Independence. Some of them fought against Independence but were allowed to remain here anyway. From Concord and Lexington, to Gettysburg, to Little Big Horn, many people fought for whatever their own idea of freedom is.

Wherever your ancestors are from, whatever they stood for, America is still very glad to have you all.

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Per the by-laws of the Libertarian Party of Allen County, the Chair is the official spokesperson of LPAC in all public and media matters.

Posts and contributions expressed on this forum, while being libertarian in thought and intent, no official statement of LPAC should be derived or assumed unless specifically stated as such from the Chair, or another Officer of the Party acting in his or her place, and such statements are always subject to review.