Thursday, January 29, 2015

Beyond the Veil: First Spouses represent our Ideals and Ethics to the World.

So the First Lady accompanied President Obama to Saudi Arabia, in an Official Diplomatic Status, and didnt wear a "head scarf" while paying respects to the late King Abdullah. (Washington Post) This of course has been blown up on news and blogging sites and trending on Twitter and Facebook both for the last couple of days. There are some whom are stipulating that it is an affront to the people of Saudi Arabia and a schlep of others crying that it was a broad political statement made by Michelle Obama, if not ironic that both her prior two predecessors made the same decision in dress and took it three steps further:

Brian Harris via Vocal Progressives
"Freedom, especially freedom for women, is more than the absence of oppression. It's the right to speak and vote and worship freely. Human rights require the rights of women. And human rights are empty promises without human liberty."
~ Laura Bush,
at World Economic Forum in Jordan in 2005

"Women's rights are human rights, and human rights are women's rights."
~ Hillary Rodham Clinton
at U.N. Women's Conference in Beijing, 1995

One key thing to remember is, that while the First Spouse is not elected, they traditionally are still an Appointed Diplomat with certain historical duties, privileges, and challenges; they should represent to the World Stage the strongest, bravest, and sincerious, version of whom an American Person was, is, and will become, not in disrespect of another culture but in the most inclusive representation of our culture and ethics to the World.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Straight ticket voting.

I'll admit up front that I'm a yellow dog Libertarian. I vote straight ticket Libertarian in every election, and I vote for Democrats and Republicans in races in which no Libertarian is running. If you really believe in your own party and what it stands for, then the straight ticket button in the voting booth makes the process quicker for you and the people standing in line behind you.

Opponents of the straight ticket option want voters to research the individual candidates instead of just blindly voting the party line. If that is the goal, then party labels should be removed from the ballot altogether. A lot of people will still vote for their preferred party's candidates, but at least we can make them research ahead of time who their party actually nominated.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

My response to Obama's SOTU

One great thing about being a second-term President is that one can say things with worrying about re-election. (One still might have to worry about criminal charges; there are places that George W. Bush can no longer travel to without fear of arrest.)

Obama was correct to end the embargo against Cuba. But he should have closed the base and prison at Guantanamo Bay six years ago. There is no reason to maintain a military base in a country that is not our ally nor a wartime enemy. The prison was built there to promote the legal fiction that the detainees are neither POW's nor criminal suspects. As commander in chief during wartime, (are we still at war? I've lost track.) he has the authority to order Marines and sailors to withdraw from a position.

Obama has proposed that the federal government should pay for community college and daycare. He knows that this won't happen when he is still president. These are meant to entice young people to volunteer their time for the Democratic Party. Young people should keep in mind that there is no guarantee that they will actually receive these perks in exchange for their efforts. Any benefit the government provides, the government can take away.

Arvin Vohra: presents the Libertarian Party response to the 2015 State of the Union.

For fair reference here is the full text of the Presidential Speech

Monday, January 19, 2015

Convincing FWCS to cut costs instead of bus rides.

At this evening's 6 pm LP meeting at the deli of Kroger of Coventry, I will be presenting my alternative school bus schedule plan for your helpful criticism and questions.

Fort Wayne Community Schools (FWCS) is facing a $2.5 million shortfall in its Transportation budget and is dealing with it by cutting bus service to 4,000 to 6,000 former bus riders.  A No Transportation Zone (NTZ) of 1, 1.5 or 2 miles around elementary, middle and high schools will not get rides, even if they have morning babysitter outside the NTZ.

Parents who have to work at school start and stop times are wondering how they can stay employed and still get their kids to school.

I have figured out a solution.

Using the delivery patterns of city buses and airlines, I have devised a new pattern of pick-ups that is more efficient.  It should save money and give more kids rides. Now I have to convince the school administration and the board of trustees.

My Facebook page Save Bus Rides at FWCS will be back up tomorrow.
Please call me at 260 484-5946 to talk about it.

NOTE: edited for formatting, updated link, krmwjnr 20150121

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Do as I say not as I do: FWPD City Code Violations?

You do know that technically those Police vehicles sitting on the grass for a photo op actually violate City Code right?

Source and Cite unknown
Municipal code also prohibits parking vehicles (including cars, trucks, trailers, campers, boats, RVs, etc.) on any portion of residential property other than in a driveway, street or alley. Violators can receive tickets of $100 per day, per violation.

The Irony of Discriminating Life: "!GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH!" I would rather have cake please, with rainbow sprinkles inside!!

So the Annual Right To Life March was held this weekend; there will be another Political Banquet later in the year as well as an Election Survey and possibly a Debate Scenario - even for City Government races. Unfortunately, not most but some realize that this event (The Burgess Candidate) is a Political dog show more than it is a concerned public speaking out; while they still have a right to march and all the ability in the world to speak, this is not a religious act of any degree, but political, and historically bigoted.

The corporate structure of the event (while individual intention be noble) the collective act is both political incumbent show ponies benefit before we really know whom all the Primary contenders are going to be for election and so misleading to the general public, that the history of the "outrage" needs to be explored and exposed, in order to clean up our Civil Discourse in the public arena, and for once begin to have an honest vociferous conversation about ideas rather than rhetoric that divides and demonizes, I think we have all had enough of that kind of politics and bullshit.

I have discussed at length before, last year even, the moral, scientific, theological, and legal issues surrounding Abortion/Infanticide, but my main goal here is communication of a concise historical record, so that way we can move forward in debating out the necessary resolutions to the idea of Abortion being a legal medical option that is rarely if ever used as originally intended by the Courts and not a spiritual anathema that is used to guilt and slander women in their most vulnerable moments.

Pro Life vs. Pro Choice, personally is the wrong statement or query. I think most of us can a agree that we are against the act every being necessary socially - as it is heinous; while at the same time, recognize that in some cases for medical (not just physical but also psychological), having the safe, medical procedure available to those whom need it, should have access to it, personally speaking, in a Hospital not a clinic - a fetus shouldnt be regarded with the same vitriol as a sprained ankle more treated like an appendix rupture, with care - before during and after the process if it is deemed necessary between a Patient and their Physician.

There is a major difference between which version of Pro Life you are trying to label someone with. Technically to be fully Pro Life you must be against Abortion, and the Death Penalty, and Contraception, and lets not even get started on the Prebondedforlife Coitial Activities conversation. This nation has never really been Pro Life, we have adapted that advocacy genre because the Religious Right (which is a political action) used it as a niche issue to elevate their cause and political strength thru the Churches because they were butt hurt over forced Racial Integration of our Schools and Society, the historical record is there, you just have to study it out and that is what I am presenting to you now as well as the prior analysis I have done below that.

Why I am bringing this all up is in concern not just for all the babies that we have lost, but all the ones that are born and we keep throwing away. The same vitriol that allows the above political actions with religious overtones to take hold in our Civil Society are the same that validate and promote the mendacity which permits people a Divine Authority to deny an inherit dignity to Gay and Lesbian and BiSexual and Transgender Youth and Young Adults to the pointe of bullying and suicide and attempts to abuse medical science in an effort to stabilize their crumbling World view.

More Info: Miracles and Mendacity explained by Randy Roberts Potts (grandson of Oral Roberts)

Religious Liberty Laws that are being considered to allow discrimination over public access to commercial endeavours, like Bakers, and Florists, are the same discriminatory Right To Refuse Service laws employed in the South and a few other places to deny a Black person the ability to sustain life or just enjoy a cold Root Beer on a hot summer day. Some will deny to their dying breath that the conversation on GLBT Civil Rights and Black Civil Rights are not the same, when if not in fact then at least in structure of the obstacles placed in the way of equal access, they are the same dog and pony show, just with the appearance of different rules and circumventing debates.

How that relates back to Abortion and the Right To Life Campaigns is three fold. Part of the inherited rhetoric of RTL is no sex outside of straight marriage, and no contraception, amongst others.

1. GLBT Marriage Equality challenges not just the less than a thousand year old Sacrament of Matrimony (Cannons 50-52, 4th Council of Lateran Basilica, 1215 AD) Marriage was not originally a Sacrament of the Church because it both prefigures and preordains the Church. Additionally the Ministers of the Sacrament is not the Priest or Clergy member but the People themselves getting married which forms the Covenant thru the act of sex, hence the phrase - consummate the marriage. There are several things required for a Covenant to be formed: tearing of the flesh, shedding of blood, and the mutual exchanging of privileges and rights - that is achieved during sex - the original Covenant bond - which also makes the Bible a Sex Manual in some peoples eyes, but I digress.

2. GLBT Marriage Equality also challenges the Religious Rights core Issue Statements; that if GLBT Persons are equal: then they can both choose to have sex, do so outside of or inside of marriage, and as a matter of necessity of health as well as courtesy to their partners have access to contraception unfettered, and "God forbid it", actually raise 'our' unwanted children or the children that they choose to conceive thru which ever means they choose to contract or facilitate.

3. GLBT Marriage Equality also means that Sexual Health and Education courses need to be all inclusive and actually educational rather than utilizing unproven, historically nonserviceable ideas, like Abstinence Only Education, as a political wedge issue.
Over the past 25 years, Congress has spent over $1.5 billion on abstinence-only-until-marriage programs, yet no study in a professional peer-reviewed journal has found these programs to be broadly effective. Scientific evidence simply does not support an abstinence-only-until-marriage approach. 
01. Federal Evaluation Finds Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Programs Ineffective
02. Abstinence-Only Programs Do Not Impact Teen Sexual Behavior 
03. Abstinence-Only Programs Do Not Affect Rates of HIV Infection or Sexual Behavior 
04. Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Programs Negatively Impact Young People’s Sexual Health
05. Numerous State Evaluations Fail to Find Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Programs Effective
In April 2007, a federally funded evaluation of Title V abstinence-only-until-marriage programs was released. The study, conducted by Mathematica Policy Research Inc. on behalf of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, found that abstinence-only-until-marriage programs are ineffective. Of the more than 700 federally funded abstinence-only-until-marriage programs, the evaluation looked at only four programs. These programs were handpicked to show positive results and they still failed.
Source: SIECUS ~Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (Oct. 2009)

My Final Thoughts 

If GLBT Persons are treated equally, under the Law, the Religious Right will loose more and more of its power base (as they are proven logically false, in their theological and rhetorical diatribes, people will naturally reevaluate the message of their leaders) over the minds and hearts of the People because they have become entrenched within the Church Theology as well as the historical Racial Political divide.

^ see theological and rhetorical diatribes^
CNN's Chris Cuomo Eviscerates Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore
by John M. Becker c/o The Bilerico Project 20150212
VIDEO HERE via The Raw Story
UPDATED: They have become so entrenched in the Church Theology and the Racial Political Divide that even the State Supreme Court Chief Justice of Alabama attempted to cite the Bible as having Supremacy over the Constitution and by doing such (as exposed by JON STEWART on THE DAILY SHOW), violating their own State's Constitutional Amendment 1 (which prevented Foreign Laws from having Legal Standing) in order to avoid implementing a Federal ruling which over turned their ban on Same Sex Marriage because of 14th Amendment violations which turned into a political dog and pony show for a week and ruined a lot of people's Valentine's Day Celebrations, after this post was originally written. 

See also this Op Ed Too Much Prayer in Politics Republicans, the Religious Right and Evolution by Frank Bruni of the New York Times 20150214.

The Religious Rights only hope for retaining influence is to create "a political decent with religious overtones" and that is what allowing both the Right To Life historical movement to go unchecked is allowing the Racially biased Religious Right to promote even more divisiveness by claiming an old deed with a new name. Religious Liberty Laws - which are neither Religious, Liberty, nor Legal! They claim Constitutional authority to violate every principle of "forming a more perfect union"; in the land of the free, there is no bravery among those whom would call for such bias and discrimination, as "all are created equal" under the law is truly our creed.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Updated for content and links on 20150213

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Join us Monday, Jan 19: Libertarian Get Together


19th of January, 2015 18:00-21:00 or 6-9p.m. 
Kroger Marketplace Village of Coventry
Liberty Mills Road at West Jefferson/US 24 and I69 @Exit 302. Food is available for individuals to purchase at their leisure from the food court until 7p.m. RSVP on our FACEBOOK Event Page Here pretty please and thank you.

Sunday, January 04, 2015

"The Interview" is Spot On Commentary and Excellent Comedy

"The Interview" is not mediocre. It is great. Crude, but great. I went with family, out of curiosity and to be a part of this growing story and was impressed from the first scene - don't arrive late because the first scene is laugh out loud hilarious as a sweet little Korean girl sings praises of Kim Jong Un and despicable detailed hatred of . . . you'll find out, to a mass rally. This is a good script with crisp, unique, believable characters, fast moving plot, great visuals and film artistry. Some of the bad words and gutter talk went on too long for me, but it was tolerable and not unusual in R-rated movies. There was sex, but, besides some breasts, out of the frame and funny. And Kim Jong Un should be flattered by his depiction - he comes off as more tough and dangerous than the images I've seen of him schlumping around like a big toddler. Besides Kim Jon Un, the CIA and the US's failed heavy handed diplomacy are lambasted, as well as the viewing public's appetite for trite sensationalism.  Cinema Center is the only theater in the Fort Wayne area playing it, through this Thursday, and maybe longer.  I hear the South Koreans are dropping DVDs on North Korea; if so, this could have a real effect. See showtimes at  .

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