Monday, January 06, 2020

War with Iran

So I see a lot of people saying that killing Qasem Suleiman was the right thing to do because he is a bad man who killed US troops. Here are some things that need to be considered:
1. There are lots of bad men in the world. If the US government kills them, then there could be severe consequences. Killing Kim Jung Un could lead to an invasion of South Korea. Killing Xi Jinping could lead to nuclear war. Killing Vladimir Putin could lead to Hillary Clinton getting elected this year. We are about to find out the consequences of killing General Suleiman.
2. General Suleiman would not have been able to kill any US troops if they had not been sent to Iraq. Our troops are there to protect the Iraqi government, the same government that probably allowed General Suleiman to get all the way to the airport in Baghdad without arresting him or notifying the US military. If Iraq is inviting Iranian officers into their country, maybe Iraq doesn't need, want, or deserve US protection anymore.
3. A war against Iran will make the Iraq war look like the tutorial level of wars. Iran is bigger, has more people, and just now pull out of a nuclear treaty so maybe they really might have WMD's pretty soon. During the Iran-Iraq war, they used child soldiers and didn't care about casualties at all. Last time the US fought a nation this fanatical, President Truman felt the need to resort to nukes. War with Iran might mean the US running out of money before Iran runs out of bodies. Or Trump might take the Truman route, only the world would turn it's back on us as a result.
4. Iran could have been an ally during the War on Terror. They hate the Taliban, they hate Al Qaeda, they hate ISIS, and they really hated Saddam Hussein. They hate Israel but so does the rest of the Middle East. Iran is run by bloodthirsty Islamic theocratic despots but so is Saudi Arabia. If we can be friends with Saudi Arabia, we can be friends with Iran. Or we can just pull out and let these assholes kill each other.

Thursday, January 02, 2020

The smoking age has been raised

About the only solid argument for raising the smoking age to 21 is that the age of adulthood should be raised to 21. But nobody is pushing to raise the enlistment age, nobody thinks 20 year-olds should be prevented from entering into contracts, and nobody is advocating for repeal of the 26th Amendment. So 18 year-olds are still adults, for now. And like all adults, 18 year-olds must be allowed to do dumb things like smoking tobacco, eating Tide Pods, or voting straight ticket Republican.
Young adults will make dumb choices. All of them will. Don't act like your kids will be different. Anyone who has attended middle school knows kids will get their cigarettes somewhere. Only by accepting the consequences of these choices does a young person gain the wisdom and experience needed to make better choices in the future.
By the way kids, smoking is a stupid, stupid thing to do. Only boomers should be doing it, and that's only if some other disease is set to kill them faster than the lung cancer. The tobacco industry was behind the push to raise the smoking age. This is the same industry that produces those cheesy "Truth" anti-smoking ads that make me want to light up. The tobacco industry wants official disapproval of their product, because they know it will make you want to buy it. This is how they stay in business even after killing off thousands of their own customers every year.

Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Annual Convention of the Libertarian Party of Allen County

Libertarian Party of Allen County 2020 Annual Convention

Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020,  2pm to 4:30pm or later
Liberty Diner, 2929 Goshen Rd., Fort Wayne, IN
FREE, except the meal.
Questions? Call Jeannette at 260 750-9013.

Food, Fun & Business
We start with a tasty Liberty Diner meal - you order off the menu.
Sign in.
Conversation and meet candidates.
Short Talk: "Solutions -- What Libertarians do Best"
Play "Ask Aunt Libby" -- Libertarians answer quirky advice column questions.
When done eating: Business! 

Call to Order
Treasurer's Report
Elect delegates to the state convention. 
Nominate candidates to local office. Offer to help their campaigns.
State Central Committee Rep appointment by the Chair.
Vote on amendments to our bylaws. 
Brainstorm future events, outreach ideas, issues for us to work on.

To VOTE -- All LPIN or LPUSA members who live in Allen County are automatically members of LPAC, and may vote.

To be ELECTED an LPAC OFFICER or a DELEGATE -- Be a member for 30 days prior to this convention, or ASAP (we can suspend that rule by vote).  However, only delegates will be elected unless an officer drops dead or resigns, because officer positions do not expire until 2021’s convention. 

To SUBMIT an AMENDMENT to the bylaws, give a written copy to our Chair, Robert Enders, before the meeting is called to order, or earlier to  We may vote to suspend the rules so we can accept new amendments during debate.

To BECOME A MEMBER, join the state or national LP at, or, or join our county party at the meeting.  LPAC has no restrictions on membership, except to reside in Allen County and to commit to not initiating violence. 

DELEGATES will go to the State Convention, March 6-8, 2020, in Indianapolis. Details at  

To be a LOCAL LIBERTARIAN CANDIDATE, contact our Chair, Robert Enders for advice on open races and filing requirements at .

Propose Amendments to the Bylaws of the Libertarian Party of Allen County

To propose amendments to the LPAC Bylaws, either submit to or write them out and hand them to LPAC Chair Robert Enders before he calls the convention to order around 2:30pm.  If you submit them earlier, I will add them to this document as proposals.

The Bylaws of the Libertarian Party of Allen County
Approved at the Feb. 17, 2019, Allen County LP Convention (LPAC)
At the Liberty Diner, Fort Wayne, IN

Article I         Name, Identity, and Structure
Article II        Statement of Purpose, Function, and Principles
Article III       Membership
Article IV       Business Meetings
Article V        Officers
Article VI       Conventions
Article VII      Adoption, Amendments, Standing Rules, Affiliation

Sec 1. Name. Libertarian Party of Allen County (Indiana), hereinafter referred to as the “LPAC”.

Sec 2. Structure. The LPAC is a political organization constituted by its membership and is affiliated (see Art VII, 4) with the Libertarian Party of Indiana, hereinafter referred to as the “LPIN”.

Sec 3. Bona Fide Party. The LPAC is a bona fide political party under the laws of the State of Indiana and is authorized to receive political contributions. The LPAC accepts political contributions in its name.

Sec 4. Device. The official device of the LPAC shall be a monochrome silhouette of the Statue of Liberty, a symbol which is also known as Lady Liberty.

***( AMENDMENT PROPOSAL:  Remove this language from Sec 5. Address. 
 "The mailing address of the LPAC shall be designated as its Post Office box."  
I thought we'd previously removed this, as the next line designates our address as the treasurer's address. )***
Sec 5. Address. The mailing address of the LPAC shall be designated as its Post Office box. The current mailing address of the LPAC is the Treasurer’s mailing address.  (Adopted 4/15/2018)
 This section shall be amended as necessary.

Sec 1. Purpose. The primary purpose of the LPAC is to promote individual liberty and to eliminate the intervention of government in moral, social, and economic affairs by fielding and supporting Libertarian candidates for public office.

Sec 2. Function. To recruit, nominate, and elect candidates for all county, city, township, and town offices within Allen County; to assist the LPIN in recruitment, nomination, and election of candidates to State legislative and U.S.
Congressional offices that affect all or part of Allen County; to select LPAC delegates and alternative delegates to the annual business meetings of the LPIN’s annual convention, hereinafter referred to as the “State Convention”.

Sec 3. Principles.
a. That all people possess certain natural rights, to wit: the right to life, liberty, justly acquired property, and self-governance.
b. That the only moral basis of government is the preservation and protection of those rights.
c. That no person or institution, public or private, has the right to initiate the use of physical force or fraud against another person or institution, and that all people are bound, without contract to abstain from infringing upon the natural rights of other people.
d. That all people are entitled to choose their own lifestyles so long as they do not forcibly impose their values on others.
e. That the voluntary and unrestricted exchange of goods and services is fundamental to a peaceful and harmonious society.

Sec 1.  Any person may join the Libertarian Party of Allen County if that person meets the following requirements: #1) A legal citizen of the United States of America and/OR subject to the jurisdiction thereof, and, #2) Maintains a residence inside of Allen County.  (Adopted 4/21/2017)

Sec. 2. All Allen County residents who are current members of the LPIN are considered members of the LPAC.  (This sentence moved to Sec. 2 & adopted 4/21/2017)

Sec 3. Anyone who is a member of the LPIN and is from an unaffiliated county can be made a member of the LPAC by a 2/3 vote at convention or by a 3/4 vote at a business meeting. (Moved to Sec. 3 4/21/2017.  Originally adopted 20 Nov 06)
      b. No proxy voting. (Adopted 4/21/2017)

Sec. 4.  Expulsion of members. Any member of the LPAC may be expelled and banned from attending business meetings. To expel a member will require a unanimous vote of all officers.  All officers must explain in writing to the membership the basis of their decision.
                a)   Should an officer be the object of expulsion then the remaining officers must be unanimous AND a majority vote required at the next (or current) business meeting.
                b)   The person being expelled will have the right to appeal to the membership of the LPAC at the next (or current) business meeting.  Banning will not apply to this one time meeting.  The membership may override the decision with a simple majority vote.
                c) The banned person may be submitted by an officer for re-instatement by majority vote of the officers.   (All of Sec. 4 adopted 4/21/2017)

Sec 1. Meetings. The LPAC shall hold business meetings monthly or as needed to conduct LPAC business. The date, time, and location shall be determined by the Chairperson. Reasonable notice shall be given to all LPAC members. The Chairperson shall determine the meeting agenda subject to change by majority vote at the meeting.

Sec 2. Purpose. The business meeting serves to control and manage all of the affairs and property of the LPAC consistent with these bylaws. All expenditures of the LPAC property shall be made by a motion from the floor, have been seconded and passed by majority vote of the members present.

Sec 3. Quorum. A quorum at the business meeting shall be the presence of the Chairman and another officer plus 10%  of registered members. In absence of such, all officers may constitute a quorum. This definition applies to all Allen County Libertarian meetings, conventions, and business where a quorum is required.

Sec. 4: In the event of a tie vote for filling officer vacancies the Chairman’s vote will count twice unless the vote involves the sitting Chairman.
 a) If the same vote involves the sitting Chairman, then the highest-ranking officer not affected by the vote shall have their vote counted twice. (Amended 4/15/2018)

Sec. 5 - Business meetings may be deemed private for Libertarian Party members only and thus may exclude non-members. (Adopted 4/21/2017)

Sec. 6 - While most business meetings are open to the public, it may be necessary to ban a non-member from attending a certain meeting.  This may be done by a simple majority vote of officers.  The officers may be overridden by a majority of the membership.  The officers must state the cause for banning an individual. (Adopted 4/21/2017)

Sec 1. Four officers. The officers of the LPAC shall be a Chairperson, a Vice
Chairperson, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. These four officers are required to be members of the LPIN.

Sec 2. Election of officers. Officers of the LPAC shall be elected at the annual convention for two-year terms. (2-year terms adopted 4/15/2018) The officer nominee who receives the most votes in each race shall be elected. Officers shall be elected by secret ballot unless uncontested, in which case election may be by acclimation. Officers shall take office upon the close of the annual convention and serve thereafter until the final adjournment of the next convention at which officers are elected. (Amended 2/17/2019)

Sec 3. Roles and responsibilities of the officers.
      a. Chairperson. The Chairperson shall preside over all business meetings and conventions and shall be the official spokesperson of the LPAC. The Chairperson may appoint such committees as are deemed necessary to conduct LPAC business.
      1.) The Chairperson shall be responsible for signing all checks written by the Treasurer.  (Adopted 18 July 05.) (Amended 17 Feb. 2019)

b. Vice Chairperson. The Vice Chairperson shall serve in the absence of the Chairperson and shall be responsible for the training and coordination of precinct committee persons.  (Amended 17 Feb. 2019)

c. Secretary. The Secretary shall record the minutes of all LPAC meetings and conventions, be the custodian of said minutes, the bylaws and its amendments, committee reports, standing rules, and correspondence designated by the Chairperson.
      1.) The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining a master list of all information required under Article 5, Section VIII and dispersing this information in a timely manner to all other officers. (Adopted 13 June 05)

d. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all assets, be responsible for the filing of all campaign finance forms, and for maintaining the list of current LPAC members.
      1.) The Treasurer shall be responsible for writing all checks to pay debts incurred by the Libertarian Party of Allen County. (Adopted 18 July 05)

Sec 4. Removal of officers. Officers who are elected in convention may be removed only by 2/3 vote in convention or ¾ vote at a business meeting for cause.

Sec 5. Vacancies. In the event of removal or resignation of any officer the Chairperson shall give notice to all LPAC members of such vacancy. The Chairperson may fill such vacancies pending majority approval of the LPAC membership at the next business meeting following the notice.

Sec 6. Standing rules. For the LPAC to be in harmony with these bylaws and to facilitate the smooth flow of business at meetings and conventions standing rules may be written and made available for general use.
Standing rules may be adopted by ¾ vote at a business meeting or 2/3 vote in convention. Standing rules may be repealed by a 2/3 vote at a business meeting or simple majority at convention.

Sec 7. Authority to Contract. No one shall have the authority to contract for goods or services on behalf of the LPAC without the consent of the Chairperson and/or the Treasurer. The Chairperson and the Treasurer have the authority to purchase office related materials or services.

Sec 8. Knowledge of all operational assets. All officers shall be informed of any and all information that may be needed to operate any accounts, offices, security codes, computer accounts, passwords and any other information that may be deemed necessary.  (Adopted 13 June 05)

Sec 1. Annual convention. The LPAC shall hold an annual convention (amended 12/26/2018), ideally prior to the LPIN state convention. It shall be used to: elect officers of the LPAC; to make annual report of the LPAC financial condition; to amend the bylaws; to elect delegates and alternate delegates from the LPAC to the LPIN state convention; and to nominate candidates for public offices in accordance with Article I, Section 2 of these bylaws.

All LP and LPIN members are automatically LPAC members and just like LPAC members may vote without delay at the LPAC convention.  However, a person who is only an LPAC member must be a member for 30 days before the LPAC convention to be elected an officer. (Amended 4/15/2018)
Attendance at the annual convention is open to all LPAC members and their guests. Until we get really big the convention shall be free of charge, but a nominal fee may be charged to defray the cost of the convention facilities. Only LPAC members may vote to elect officers of the LPAC; to amend these bylaws; to elect delegates and alternate delegates from the LPAC to the LPIN State convention; and to nominate candidates for public office.

Sec 3. Notice of convention. The Chairperson shall notify all LPAC members of the date, time, location and agenda of the annual convention at least 30 days prior to such convention by any method reasonably certain to reach the membership.  (Amended from 45 to 30 days 4/15/2018)

Sec 4. Order of business. After the call to order the first order of business is to credential and seat the members of the LPAC. The minutes of the last convention shall be read and approved. The Chairperson may submit or adopt rules and/or agenda on his or her own initiative, subject to the approval by simple majority of the membership present. The Treasurer shall give the LPAC’s annual financial report.

Sec 5. Motions in writing. All motions to amend these bylaws shall be made in writing and submitted to the Chairperson prior to the call to order. The Chairperson shall present them to the membership for approval by simple majority.

Sec 6. Credentials. The Chairperson shall appoint a member to verify membership in the LPAC. Only verified members present shall be allowed to vote on any business introduced in convention. No voting by proxy shall be allowed.

Sec 7. Nomination of candidates. The annual convention shall nominate candidates for county, city, township, and town offices within Allen County. Individual members may declare their candidacy for office. Approval of nominations made by either method shall be by simple majority. Nominations or declarations of US Congressional, State Legislative, or Judicial offices affecting all or part of Allen County shall be made and approved by simple majority.

Sec 8. Election of delegates to the LPIN convention. The annual convention (or a business meeting prior to the State convention) shall be used to elect delegates and alternate delegates to the State convention. Any delegate positions not filled prior to the State convention may be filed by appointments made by the highest ranking LPAC officer planning to attend the State convention, with the consent of the appointee.

Sec 9. Candidate endorsement. The LPAC shall not endorse any candidate who opposes a candidate that is nominated by the LPIN or the LPAC. The LPAC membership should carefully consider in convention or at the business meeting the endorsement of any non-member declaring their candidacy as a Libertarian.
Sec. 10: In the event of a tie vote for the election of officers, delegates or the nomination of candidates, the Chairman’s vote will count twice unless the vote involves the sitting Chairman.
 a) If the same vote involves the sitting Chairman, then the highest-ranking officer not affected by the vote shall have their vote counted twice. (Amended 4/15/2018)

Sec 1. Adoption. These bylaws shall be adopted when approved by a majority of LPAC members present at the annual convention at which the bylaws were presented for adoption. These bylaws shall take effect immediately upon the close of the convention.

Sec 2. Amendments. These bylaws may be amended by 2/3 of the votes counted of LPAC members attending the annual convention. All amendments shall take effect immediately upon the close of the convention.

Sec 3. Standing Rules. Standing rules may be introduced as a motion by any LPAC member and adopted, rescinded, or amended at any annual convention or business meeting. See Article V, Section 6.

Sec 4. Affiliation with LPIN. The LPAC hereby ratifies these bylaws and authorizes the undersigned officers to petition the LPIN for official affiliation in accordance with existing LPIN requirements.

Typo in Art VI, Sec 1, corrected and approved 12-26-2018.

Amendments approved Feb. 17, 2019, at annual LPAC convention.

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Per the by-laws of the Libertarian Party of Allen County, the Chair is the official spokesperson of LPAC in all public and media matters.

Posts and contributions expressed on this forum, while being libertarian in thought and intent, no official statement of LPAC should be derived or assumed unless specifically stated as such from the Chair, or another Officer of the Party acting in his or her place, and such statements are always subject to review.